Friday, 25 March 2011

batique cakes

HOW TO MAKE IT?????????????????


1/2 cup Milo
1/2 cup Cocoa Powder
1/2 cup Boiling water
3/4 cup Butter
1/2 cup Granulated Sugar 


1. Melt the butter in the sauce pan.
2. add the milo, condense milk, cocoa and nescafe.
3. Stir the mixture until you get a relatively smooth batter.
4. Slowly hand crush the biscuits and add them into the mixture. Be careful not to stir too much at this stage as it will only crush the biscuits more and leave it too powedery.
5. Pour the mixture into a baking tray and pop it into refrigerator until it hardens. Or to  speed it up, jus pop it into the freezer.
6. Once it sets, jus cut it up and enjoy.


Famili Ceria said...

can you make me one?

$y!Da--^_^ said...

it will be so deliciouse
but here i can not get the best taste of that cake.. huhu

Anonymous said...

i also like this cake, its easy to make and the ingredients also cheap and easy to find.


ummmm....yummy...great cake!!!!

lucky star said... will try your own this because it is easy to do...
shida:better if u do it yourself
sasha:yes...tell me if you already make this cake

aisyah said...

mimi the cutest!!!you want to beat me making this batique cake???came on..i'm waitingggg

lucky star said... you want to compete with me??? wait until we meet again...

leon arabell said...

my sister know how to make this cake. but i haven't eaten it for a long time

ayuni musa said...

i wnt it..pls make me one pls..huhu

lucky star said...

iman : only yor sister know? how about you..please try to do this iman for your future husband
ayuni: i already give you gradient and step to make batique cake...just follow it..don't be so lazy

Asqalani said...

When will you bake me one?(^_^)

lucky star said...


Asqalani said...
